Plants of the Week
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Gladiolus longicollis
Gladiolus longicollis has pale yellow to white, long-tubed, night-blooming flowers that are either uniformly coloured or mottled with brown and have a...
Gladiolus loteniensis
The Critically Rare Gladiolus loteniensis blossoms into a delicate plant, with small mauve flowers....
Gladiolus monticola
When you find yourself walking on the top of Table Mountain in February or March, you might be fortunate to lay eyes on this rare beauty with its delicately...
Gladiolus oppositiflorus
Gladioli are popular garden plants, cultivated in Europe for more than 250 years and renowned for their striking, colourful flowers. But did you know that...
Gladiolus papilio
When exploring the wetlands of the eastern regions of South Africa, these pinkish mauve, nodding flowers are sure to capture your attention....
Gladiolus permeabilis
A hardy bulbous plant with dainty and intensely sweet-smelling flowers, perfectly paired with short grasses.Fig. 1. Flowers of Gladiolus permeabilis var....
Gladiolus phoenix
A Critically Rare, highly localized endemic from the Bain’s Kloof Mountains. It produces bright pink flowers only in the first year after a fire,...
Gladiolus rehmannii
Gladiolus rehmannii is a very attractive garden plant, forming part of the tremendous diversity within the Iris family. It has large, white to pale...
Gladiolus sericeovillosus
Gladiolus sericeovillosus is a medium-sized, summer-flowering Gladiolus with flower spikes up to 1.5 m tall with dull red, lilac, pink, white or cream...
Gladiolus serpenticola
A striking, attractive, summer-flowering plant, with spectacular, giant flower spikes of 18 to 30, small, pale pink flowers with pale mauve markings on...
Gladiolus stefaniae
Gladiolus stefaniae is a cormous, autumn-flowering plant, with exquisite, large, scarlet or carmine blooms. Although rare in the wild, its cultivation...
Gladiolus vandermerwei
Gladiolus vandermerwei is a highly threatened species, occurring in the Ruens Renosterveld areas of the eastern Overberg. This species has become a flagship...
Gladiolus venustus
Gladiolus venustus is a showy species, with fragrant, purple or pink and yellow flowers in spring, best suited for the arid regions of the winter-rainfall...
Gladiolus virgatus
Lovers of the outdoors visiting Nature Reserves in the Boland mountains of the Western Cape, will often be enthralled by cheerful displays of pretty pink...
Gloriosa rigidifolia
Waterberg bells is a strict endemic from the Waterberg Plateau and not known in cultivation. It usually grows in rocky situations in full sun or dappled...
Gloriosa superba
Gloriosa superba is a striking climber with unusual and beautiful, red and yellow, flame-like flowers in summer; it is suitable for shade or sun, and is...
Glottiphyllum carnosum
Occurring in a biome such as Succulent Karoo with very limited rainfall, the hardy yet fragile Glottiphyllum carnosum is adapted to withstand it all, with...
Glottiphyllum regium
Glottiphyllum regium is a hardy, clump-forming succulent that produces masses of showy, large, yellow flowers from mid-winter until early summer....
Gnidia denudata
Gnidia denudata is an attractive bushy shrub with long hairs that gives an effect of silver-like foliage. Like any other Gnidia species, it has terminal...