Plants of the Week
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Adromischus fallax
Adromischus fallax is a rare, cliff-hugging, occasionally pendent, leaf and stem succulent from the southern escarpment margin near Graaff Reinet in the...
Adromischus diabolicus
Adromischus diabolicus is a rare, cliff-hugging succulent from the Northern Cape. The plants are dwarf, rosulate, leaf and stem succulents forming small...
Adenopodia spicata
It's spiny all over, and the whip-like young stems lean out into the path and make themselves felt by the unwary. Meet the spiny splinter bean, a characteristic...
Adenium swazicum
A dwarf, succulent shrub with pretty, lily-like, pink flowers borne on thick branches from late summer to autumn; a good rockery plant and a useful medicinal...
Adenium multiflorum
Adenium multiflorum is the best known of the South African adeniums. It flowers in winter when most of the surrounding vegetation is rather dull by comparison...
Adeniums, which all have poisonous sap, produce flowers in striking reds, pinks and mauves; red-and-white bicoloured flowers are fairly common. They are...
Adenia spinosa
In the far north of South Africa grows a very special, ancient-looking plant with a stem resembling an elephant’s foot. In our neighbouring country,...
Adenia gummifera
A large, attractive, woody geophyte which often climbs into other plants, holding on by means of tendrils. Stems are bright green, with kidney-shaped and...
Adenia glauca
The oddly shaped, swollen stem and twining vines of Adenia glauca can be seen growing in the driest parts of southern Africa. Its soft greyish green, palmately-shaped...
Adenia fruticosa subsp. fruticosa
Adenia fruticosa is one of the succulent plants that is easily recognised by its very attractive, tuberous, swollen, green stem, sometimes splitting into...
Adenandra uniflora
Adenandra obtusata
Showy, white flowers that shimmer in the sun brighten up this evergreen shrub and attract insects, butterflies and bees to your garden. Belonging to the...
Adenandra gummifera
A beautiful, aromatic, fynbos shrub with showy white porcelain-like flowers in winter and spring....
Adansonia digitata
Regarded as the largest succulent plant in the world, the baobab tree is steeped in a wealth of mystique, legend and superstition wherever it occurs in...
Acridocarpus natalitus
Its beautiful flowers and fruit make this evergreen shrub or small tree an appealing garden subject which should be in most gardens in the warmer and coastal...
Acorus calamus
Acorus calamus is a reed-like, aquatic plant with a pungent smell that has been used medicinally since biblical times. It has many traditional uses all...
Acokanthera oppositifolia
The Bushman's poison is a medium to large woody shrub with attractive hard dark green leaves. ...
Acokanthera oblongifolia
Beautiful white and sweetly scented flowers followed by large, red to purple fruits which turn purple-red to black when mature, but an extremely poisonous...
Acmadenia trigona
Acmadenia trigona, from the winter rainfall region, forms an upright shrub with spreading branches. It grows 0.3-0.7 m high. It is a single stem at the...
Acmadenia tetragona
A hardy aromatic shrub that captures attention in spring, with its delicate, light pink flowers with pink nectar guides clearly visible in the centre of...