Plants of the Week
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Ottosonderia monticola
Ottosonderia monticola is a dwarf, tufted mesemb, with ascending flowering branches above the leaf canopy. The flowering branch remains active for more...
Members of the genus Oxalis — with their brightly coloured delicate flowers, clover-like leaves and corolla lobes twisted in the bud — are...
Oxalis hirta
A vigorous, easy-to-grow, ornamental Oxalis with branched stems and attractive magenta-pink flowers in winter and spring....
Oxalis purpurea
A common but undervalued South African native plant, Oxalis purpurea can make a most magnificent garden plant that flowers for half the year....
Oxyanthus pyriformis subsp. pyriformis
Medley Wood described this loquat-like shrub as ‘an exceedingly handsome shrub of good habit, growing generally under large trees in those parts...
Oxytenanthera abyssinica
A large, woody plant that belongs in the grass family, Poaceae, and is endemic to Africa, known as the holy Venda bamboo, wild bamboo or musununu in South...
Ozoroa barbertonensis
Ozoroa barbertonensis is different from the rest of the southern African species of Ozoroa, with its beautiful, much longer, narrow leaves with shiny upper...
Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica
The broad-leaved resin tree is a semi-deciduous to evergreen shrub or tree that is suitable for small gardens....
Ozoroa paniculosa
An attractive, small to medium-sized tree. Its leaves are bluish grey above and silvery below with strikingly straight, parallel side veins....
Ozoroa sphaerocarpa
This relatively small tree has small whitish flowers, with the sexes occurring on separate plants. It is highly valued by rural communities because...
Pachycarpus acidostelma
Recognized by its creamy to pale yellow, saucer-shaped flowers, the elusive Pachycarpus acidostelma remains one of South Africa’s hidden gems.Fig....
Pachycarpus campanulatus
Pachycarpus campanulatus is a showy plant with large, hanging, bell-shaped flowers of up to 5 per umbel and exuding milky latex, like most plants in the...
Pachycarpus natalensis
Pachycarpus natalensis is one of many amazingly beautiful indigenous plants, which is almost never cultivated. This is due to the short span of its flowering,...
Pachycarpus schinzianus
In spring and summer Pachycarpus schinzianus and Xysmalobium undulatum are the two largest and most readily distinguished asclepiads in the grasslands...
Pachypodiums are caudiciform succulents and many of the species produce spectacular flowers. They exhibit a wide range of bizarre growth forms, from bottle-,...
Pachypodium bispinosum
A spiny succulent plant that shows off with bell-shaped, purple to pink, sometimes white flowers in spring and early summer....
Pachypodium namaquanum
Pachypodium namaquanum must rate as the most sought-after and popular of all large succulents from the arid Northern Cape and southern Namibia,...
Pachypodium saundersii
A low succulent shrub with a large tuberous stem up to 1 m in diameter, mostly above ground and often irregularly shaped, few spiny branches and showy...
Pachypodium succulentum
A slow-growing shrublet characterized by its unusual thickened, underground, water-storing, tuberous stem, which helps the plant to survive during drought...
Panicum maximum
This tufted grass species is highly palatable and attracts many seed-eating birds to the garden. It is regarded as the most valuable fodder plant and is...