Plants of the Week
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Ozoroa sphaerocarpa
This relatively small tree has small whitish flowers, with the sexes occurring on separate plants. It is highly valued by rural communities because...
Pachycarpus acidostelma
Recognized by its creamy to pale yellow, saucer-shaped flowers, the elusive Pachycarpus acidostelma remains one of South Africa’s hidden gems.Fig....
Pachycarpus campanulatus
Pachycarpus campanulatus is a showy plant with large, hanging, bell-shaped flowers of up to 5 per umbel and exuding milky latex, like most plants in the...
Pachycarpus natalensis
Pachycarpus natalensis is one of many amazingly beautiful indigenous plants, which is almost never cultivated. This is due to the short span of its flowering,...
Pachycarpus schinzianus
In spring and summer Pachycarpus schinzianus and Xysmalobium undulatum are the two largest and most readily distinguished asclepiads in the grasslands...
Pachypodiums are caudiciform succulents and many of the species produce spectacular flowers. They exhibit a wide range of bizarre growth forms, from bottle-,...
Pachypodium bispinosum
A spiny succulent plant that shows off with bell-shaped, purple to pink, sometimes white flowers in spring and early summer....
Pachypodium namaquanum
Pachypodium namaquanum must rate as the most sought-after and popular of all large succulents from the arid Northern Cape and southern Namibia,...
Pachypodium saundersii
A low succulent shrub with a large tuberous stem up to 1 m in diameter, mostly above ground and often irregularly shaped, few spiny branches and showy...
Pachypodium succulentum
A slow-growing shrublet characterized by its unusual thickened, underground, water-storing, tuberous stem, which helps the plant to survive during drought...
Panicum maximum
This tufted grass species is highly palatable and attracts many seed-eating birds to the garden. It is regarded as the most valuable fodder plant and is...
Papaver aculeatum
Papaver aculeatum is an attractive, orange- or pinkish-orange-flowered annual, and the only poppy endemic to the southern hemisphere. It makes an attractive...
Pappea capensis
The red fruit of this tree is a tasty treat for humans and a firm favourite with birds and animals. A fine oil is extracted from the seeds. The jacket...
Paranomus bracteolaris
One of the common sceptres, it produces a single leaf form, a dissected leaf, over the entire plant, and purple to pink flowers with a faint sweet scent...
Paranomus dregei
A splendid shrub, with scented flowers that attract many insects, and very much catches the eye with its reddish involucral bracts, creamy flowers and...
Paranomus longicaulis
Densely white-woolly, pink and brown flowerheads, forming a short bottlebrush on a long, flowering branch, in spring to summer, with unusual foliage, bearing...
Paranomus reflexus
Paranomus reflexus is an unusual, decorative fynbos shrub with showy winter flowers; it is probably the best known paranomus but is not often seen...
Paranomus sceptrum-gustavianus
This is a favourite among the Paranomus with showy, sweetly scented flowers and attractive foliage....
Parinari capensis subsp. capensis
A dwarf creeping tree of the South African grassland, Parinari capensis subsp. capensis, captivates with its diminutive stature and remarkable adaptability....
Parinari curatellifolia
This attractive shade-providing tree is a prominent aspect in its environment, and it is no surprise that a tribute to the late Dr David Livingstone (a...