Plants of the Week
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The corkwoods are a fascinating group of trees, because of their bizarre appearance, but more importantly for their historical and biblical association...
Commelina benghalensis
Commelina benghalesis is a common, widespread weed found throughout southern Africa, tropical Africa and Asia and it is difficult to eradicate in cultivated...
Commelina africana
Commelina africana differs from most other Commelina species by having pretty, small, canary-yellow flowers instead of the usual blue flowers, and also...
Combretum zeyheri
Combretum zeyheri is a bushveld tree, with a rounded crown shape, single or multi-stemmed, with the bark that is smooth and whitish in colour. It is an...
Combretum woodii
Combretum vendae
Combretum mossambicense
Masses of lovely fluffy pink-white flowers are displayed on bare branches in early spring. Fragrant and resembling small powder puffs, they lure a variety...
Combretum molle
This is a decorative tree, well suited for a summer rainfall garden....
Combretum microphyllum
This is a spectacular creeper providing a spring spectacle of flaming crimson, flowering splendour. It is an excellent plant to fill the gaps in larger...
Combretum kraussii
Handsome, quick growing and reasonably cold resistant, this tree is recommended for shady areas in gardens with a mild to warm climate....
Combretum imberbe
Combretum imberbe is the most impressive of our combretums; even when it is dead, leadwood presents an imposing display, with its almost white trunk...
Combretum hereroense
Combretum hereroense is a valuable species that has interesting horticultural characters all year round; the leaves and seed pods turn coppery, and a touch...
Combretum erythrophyllum
One of the winged wonders belonging to the bushwillow family, this medium-sized tree is a fast grower, producing creamy flowers and beautiful 4-winged...
Combretum bracteosum
The Combretum bracteosum is unique amongst our bushwillows in that it does not have the characteristic, papery, four-winged fruit which is familiar...
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum is an attractive, deciduous, small to medium-sized tree that occurs in various savanna regions, often at low altitudes...
Colpoon compressum
Colpoon compressum, is a very decorative and useful plant in cultivation as well as in its natural habitat. It is a hemi-parasitic plant, in...
Colpias mollis
Colophospermum mopane
These beautiful trees with their distinctive butterfly-shaped leaves and strange seeds are, for many, the essence of South Africa's lowveld areas,...
Coleus venteri
A relatively new species to horticulture, Coleus venteri is a unique, aromatic, sun-loving, water-wise shrub that is fast growing once established and...
Coleus tenuicaulis
Coleus tenuicaulis is an aromatic shrub with panicles of dark blue flowers in autumn and winter, from the southwestern highlands of Angola. Easily...