Plants of the Week
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Pelargonium graveolens
Pelargonium graveolens with its attractive, strongly rose-scented leaves and pinkish white flowers is an interesting addition to the mixed border, adding...
Pelargonium grandiflorum
One cannot but stop and admire the beautiful large flowers of this pelargonium....
Pelargonium glutinosum
This showy Pelargonium with its dark pink flowers and dark green leaves will bring delight to a garden wanting striking contrast....
Pelargonium gibbosum
Pelargonium fulgidum
With its silvery, silky foliage and bright red flowers, Pelargonium fulgidum is an interesting and beautiful subject for coastal and water-wise gardens...
Pelargonium fruticosum
This profusely flowering shrublet will be any gardener's delight in spring....
Pelargonium exstipulatum
Most of the species in the Geraniaceae family are very attractive, and Pelargonium exstipulatum is no exception. It adds some character...
Pelargonium elegans
Pelargonium elegans is one of several tufted pelargoniums that are suitable for outdoor pots....
Pelargonium echinatum
Pelargonium echinatum is one of the most beautiful winter flowering pelargoniums. It is a stocky, compact, succulent perennial shrublet with spines...
Pelargonium denticulatum
Pelargonium denticulatum with its attractive, strongly scented leaves and pinkish purple flowers is an interesting addition to the mixed herbaceous border,...
Pelargonium cucullatum x betulinum 'Kommetjie'
Bright, floriferous and hardy, this is a natural hybrid between two of the Cape’s finest pelargoniums, Pelargonium cucullatum and P. betulinum, that...
Pelargonium cucullatum
Pelargonium cucullatum is the parent of many modern pelargonium hybrids. It is a fast growing, tough shrub tolerant to coastal conditions,...
Pelargonium crithmifolium
This plant is the granddaddy of all pelargoniums, as it is one of the bulkiest plants in the Pelargonium group. In cultivation at the Karoo Desert...
Pelargonium crispum
Pelargonium crispum is ideal for any garden as it produces pretty pink flowers for most of the year....
Pelargonium crassicaule
Pelargonium crassicaule is a succulent plant with dainty, fragile, faintly sweet-scented flowers varying considerably in colour, and has great potential...
Pelargonium cordifolium
Pelargonium cordifolium is a spreading, branched aromatic shrub, reaching a height of more than 1.5 metres....
Pelargonium citronellum
Pelargonium citronellum has decorative leaves that have a strong, clean, lemon fragrance....
Pelargonium carnosum subsp. carnosum
This attractive, drought-resistant, deciduous, succulent pelargonium is a winter grower that does not sprout after fire....
Pelargonium capitatum
This pelargonium is cultivated for its rose scented oil....
Pelargonium caledonicum
The conspicuous and unique Caledon Storksbill is one of South Africa’s most rare pelargoniums, only known to occur in the Caledon region of the Western...