Plants of the Week
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Dimorphotheca fruticosa
Growing along the South African coastline, intermingled with a variety of species, Dimorphotheca fruticosa can be found displaying a beautiful carpet of...
Dimorphotheca ecklonis
Dimorphotheca ecklonis has beautiful, white ray florets and a dark blue centre (disc florets). A collection of these plants in full bloom certainly...
Dimorphotheca cuneata
Dimorphotheca cuneata is a hardy, mainly winter-rainfall perennial producing masses of showy, white flowers in early spring....
Dimorphotheca chrysanthemifolia
Dimorphotheca chrysanthemifolia is an upright shrublet with distinctive coarsely toothed leaves and magnificent large golden-yellow flowerheads which are...
Digitaria eriantha
Dietes iridioides
Dietes iridioides is not common in residential gardens and landscapes, yet it is considered a good garden subject....
Dietes grandiflora
This well known indigenous iris is commonly grown in gardens and used in large landscapes throughout the country....
Dietes flavida
An irid with attractive leaves that is a rewarding garden plant. It has fans of long, narrow and very erect, bluish-green leaves and occasional flowers...
Dietes butcheriana
Dietes butcheriana is an indigenous, shade-loving, evergreen irid with broad leaves arranged in a fan, and large, white flowers with apricot markings,...
Dietes bicolor
With its unusual flowers, attractive shape and ease of cultivation, the yellow wild iris is a versatile garden plant....
Dierama tysonii
The graceful hairbells are one of our most loved native plants; these perennial herbs have evergreen grass-like foliage, with slender, wiry stems from...
Dierama reynoldsii
Just imagine the impact of a 'bulb' with flowers the colour of red wine (a young Shiraz , in particular), arising from bracts like the silver stem...
Dierama pendulum
Admired for its graceful, wand-like stems, eye-catching pink flowers and erect, long, linear leaves, this easily cultivated plant is one of the most rewarding...
Dierama dubium
A little-known and seldom seen, perennial, evergreen geophyte with small, nodding dark purple-red flowers and white bracts which are borne on arching stems...
Didymaotus lapidiformis
Didymaotus lapidiformis is a fascinating chunky succulent that looks like a lithops on steroids! It grows in the arid winter rainfall regions of...
Didelta spinosa
Didelta spinosa is a fast-growing shrub or small tree with bright green leaves and large yellow flowers in winter and spring, that is drought-resistant...
Didelta carnosa var. tomentosa
A captivating grey-foliage shrublet that is covered in bright yellow flowers from late winter into spring. It grows on dunes and sandy coastal flats and...
Dicoma capensis
A small perennial plant with decumbent stems, thistle-like flowerheads and a pappus of two kinds, an outer ring of bristles and an inner one of broad white...
Dicoma anomala
Dicoma anomala is a highly variable plant characterized by its stiff, sharp-pointed bracts, large flower heads and mauve-white florets surrounded by many...
Dicliptera magaliesbergensis
Dicliptera magaliesbergensis is one of 20 South African species of Dicliptera, and one of the 3 threatened species. It is found only in Gauteng and nowhere...