Plants of the Week
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Felicia tenella subsp. tenella
This striking, winter- or spring-flowering annual with bright blue and yellow daisies, is another of South Africa’s plant jewels. It performs well...
The genus Ficinia of the tribe Scirpeae is remarkable in that almost all of the ± 60 species are endemic to the Cape Floristic Region. Species range...
Ficus abutilifolia
The conspicuous white to yellow roots and stems of the large-leaved rock fig are an impressive sight, well adapted to hugging rock faces and splitting...
Ficus bubu
Ficus bubu is a stunning tree that captivates with its lovely yellow-green bark, glossy dark green foliage, thorny branches, strong construction and interesting...
Ficus burtt-davyi
Ficus burtt-davyi is typically a lax shrub occurring in coastal scrub or thicket, that becomes a robust creeper in inland forests and a small multi-stemmed...
Ficus cordata
The Namaqua rock fig represents the largest and tallest indigenous tree from Namaqualand. It is an ascending, rock-splitting tree confined to rock outcrops,...
Ficus craterostoma
A wild fig from the well-watered forests of southeastern and tropical Africa, with glossy, dark green foliage and a grey trunk that is sculpted and shaped...
Ficus glumosa
An ideal tree for planting in water scarce areas; it will provide browsing and food to a number of animals, as well as a habitat for a large range of bird...
Ficus ilicina
The laurel fig is an evergreen, rock-hugging fig from the summer-dry Namaqualand region and further north into Namibia and southern Angola, where rainfall...
Ficus ingens
The red-leaved fig is a semi-deciduous, shady tree or rock-splitter, and a beautiful specimen for a large rock garden, but because of its aggressive root-...
Ficus lutea
The giant-leaved fig is a magnificent member of the renowned fig family. Like so many of its close relatives, it offers much of ecological and ornamental...
Ficus muelleriana
Ficus muelleriana represents a fairly recent discovery. It is a rare, cliff-dwelling, scandent shrub, with beautiful heart-shaped leaves, reddish leaf...
Ficus polita subsp. polita
Next time you attend one of Kirstenbosch’s summer sunset concerts, see if you can spot the Afrotropical Ficus polita subsp. polita, growing on the...
Ficus salicifolia
This hardy, spreading, evergreen tree produces fruit that will attract any fruit-loving birds to your garden. It is ideal for large properties and very...
Ficus sansibarica
This knobbly fig presents an imposing display with its spreading crown and bears enormous fruiting spurs along the stem....
Ficus sur
The broom cluster fig is a key element in the environment providing medicine, food, shade and shelter for all nature of animals, large and small. This...
Ficus sycomorus subsp sycomorus
A medium-sized tree with yellowish red edible figs....
Ficus trichopoda
The swamp or hippo fig is the only indigenous fig species in the southern African region whose aerial roots develop into new stems like the banyan, Ficus...
Flueggea virosa
This African plant has become a problem plant in other parts of the world.© Geoff Nichols...
Freesia grandiflora
A beautiful, red-flowered, bulbous plant that deserves more horticultural attention. It is perfect for woodland gardens or as a pot plant and performs...