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885 results found for ' bees' (displaying page 5 of 89)
Mentha longifolia
Plant... flowers throughout the summer months (November to April). Bees and butterflies are attracted to the wild mint when in ...
Cyclopia pubescens
Plant... al. 2011). Cyclopia pubescens is pollinated by carpenter bees, Xylocopa flavorufa . There are at least 20 000 species of bees and they are one of the largest groups of pollinators, ... rarely red since it is believed that red appears black to bees (Miller et al. 2011). Fig. 4 . Maroon markings serve as ...
Buddleja dysophylla
Plant... of Buddleja dysophylla attract flying insects such as bees and butterflies. The seeds are small, winged and light ...
Aristea torulosa
Plant... containing many angled seeds. Aristea torulosa attracts bees, flies and other pollinators to its flowers, and blister ...
... the seeds develop and ripen. It is accepted that solitary bees pollinate plants with this type of flower. However, ...
Hippobromus pauciflorus
Plant... butterflies. Flowers of this plant species attract bees, wasps and beetles. Bees are the main pollinators of Hippobromus pauciflorus ... plant. It will also attract birds, butterflies and bees to the garden. Hippobromus pauciflorus ...
Polhillia ignota
Plant... the plants when it was rediscovered, we did notice several bees visiting the plants. See more photos of its rediscovery ...
Syncolostemon macranthus
Plant... macranthus has been observed to have been visited by bees and other small insects, more especially on hot days, ...
... contrast to C . capensis which is pollinated by carpenter bees, only honey bees have been observed to pollinate C . magaliesbergensis . ... with most Crotalaria , this plant will definitely attract bees and possibly also butterflies and secondary birds ...
Diascia rigescens
Plant... They are especially adapted to attract oil-collecting bees. The main flowering time is summer, although flowers may ... co-evolutionary relationship with oil-collecting bees which pollinate their flowers. The flowers of most of ... at the base of the upper corolla lip. These attract the bees which are seeking the oil secreted in the two corolla ...