Plants of the Week
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Scolopia mundii
Scolopia mundii is a graceful and attractive tree producing glossy, dark green leaves and striking yellow to orange fruits. It is relatively widespread...
Searsia batophylla
The bramble currant is a shrub with conspicuously bicoloured (two-coloured), bramble-like leaves which make it easy to identify.This plant was previously...
Searsia crenata
If you live near the coast and need a plant that can serve as a windbreaker, is drought tolerant and able to bind soil effectively, then Searsia crenata is...
Searsia magalismontana subsp. magalismontana
Nowadays, when small gardens are the order of the day, this lovely little multistemmed shrub has been overlooked as a potential form plant for that special...
Securidaca longepedunculata
Securidaca longepeduculata is a slender tree with beautiful flowers. It is a highly regarded medicinal and magical tree, especially by the vhaVenda people...
Selago canescens
Selago canescens bursts into flower in early spring when most plants in the garden are still recovering after the cold winter. An added attraction is the...
Selaginella kraussiana
Selaginella is the only genus in the family Selaginellaceae. These plants belong to the lycopods, one of the groups previously referred to as fern allies....
Senecio bryoniifolius
The Bryony-leaved flowering ivy (Senecio bryoniifolius) is a succulent-leaved creeper from the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal which shows promise as a...
Senecio elegans
During spring, this annual daisy flowers in abundance along the west and south coast of South Africa, making a beautiful display when flowering in mass,...
Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia leendertziae is probably the most striking species of the genus Stapelia, especially when in flower, due to the unique, large, bell-shaped, deep...
Senecio exuberans
When Senecio exuberans was described in 1943 it was said to be 'one of the most characteristic features' of the grasslands around Pietermaritzburg...
Solanum africanum
A hardy creeper or shrub, with yellow-centered, purple, mauve or white flowers in midsummer to spring. It can be successfully utilized to cover a trellis...
Senecio glastifolius
In late spring it is difficult to miss Senecio glastifolius at Kirstenbosch, for it fills many of the beds with splashes of mauve....
Streptocarpus floribundus
Streptocarpus floribundus is a rare and threatened, vibrant gem, thriving in dense clusters among the doleritic outcrops of Kranskop, in KwaZulu-Natal....
Senecio hederiformis
Senecio hederiformis is a rare and still relatively poorly known species from the high-altitude grasslands of Mpumalanga and Limpopo Province, South Africa....
Senecio inornatus
Senecio inornatus is a tall robust plant that does not go unnoticed in any grassland or wetland. These solitary plants are often much taller than the...
Senecio macrocephalus
Senecio macrocephalus is one of the first large pink-flowered senecios to flower in the grassveld in early spring and often shows up as large patches...
Senecio macroglossus
At first glance, Senecio macroglossus looks like a kind of ivy, but on closer inspection, the bright yellow daisy flowers amongst the foliage make it clear...
Senecio speciosissimus
Senecio speciosissimus boasts attractive flower heads of pink to mauve flowers from July to December, although it seems to flower more abundantly during...
Selago tarachodes
Selago tarachodes is a neat, compact, herbaceous perennial, with shiny green leaves and masses of showy, white, flower-heads, that flowers throughout the...