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Fabronia pilifera
This delicate epiphytic moss is frequently encountered in woodlands or savanna areas of South Africa....
Xyris capensis
Xyris capensis is a perennial grass-like plant growing from a more or less creeping rhizome. Its yellow flowers are clustered in a roundish spike which...
Senegalia burkei
Senegalia burkei is a distinctive deciduous tree that can be identified easily throughout the year. It has spikes of creamy white flowers in early summer,...
Brachycorythis conica subsp. transvaalensis
This beautiful and enigmatic orchid was first recorded in 1918; it was last seen in the Gauteng Province in 1956, until its rediscovery in 2007. This species...
Ledebouria ovatifolia subsp. ovatifolia
Curious and widespread, a variable, bulbous plant, with unique, broad, flat, usually spotted leaves, which are tightly appressed to the soil surface, and...
Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
A very attractive species because of its hanging blue flowers, which makes it loved by horticulturists and landscapers. The standard petal with yellow...
Triumfetta sonderi
A beautiful shrub from the grasslands, with small, star-shaped, light yellow flowers and attractive rounded, pinkish-red, hairy fruits....
Senecio oxyriifolius
An unusual succulent herb with ornamental nasturtium-like leaves that is a rewarding, low maintenance and water-wise garden plant or container plant for...
Jatropha zeyheri
A common medicinal plant used in women’s health care in many rural communities in southern Africa....
Vangueria esculenta
Vangueria esculenta is an ideal tree or shrub for smaller gardens, with glossy foliage and an interesting shape, and its flowers release a pleasant sweet...
Anchusa capensis
The Cape-forget-me-not is easy to find flowering in the fields of daisies throughout Namaqualand in the spring, and, although it may be a bit weedy, its...
Ajuga ophrydis
A perennial herb that can grow 60–250 mm high, with beautiful mauve, white or blue flowers. It is usually distributed in grassland areas and...
Asparagus asparagoides
A scrambling shrub with lovely glossy foliage, for shade or sun, in the garden or indoors, and excellent for flower arrangements, but take note that outside...
Argyrolobium tomentosum
A scrambling, evergreen shrub with yellow flowers in spring and summer; it is a pretty garden plant and is one of South Africa’s magical medicinal...
Commelina benghalensis
Commelina benghalesis is a common, widespread weed found throughout southern Africa, tropical Africa and Asia and it is difficult to eradicate in cultivated...
Crassula capitella
Crassula capitella is a stunning succulent that looks fantastic in rockeries and landscape gardens. It is used ornamentally to add a permanent colour in...
Ledebouria minima
A dwarf ledebouria, with erect to spreading, grass-like leaves and very small bulbs, usually locally abundant, where it occurs in moist soil in grassland;...
Asparagus africanus
A perennial climber or sub-shrub with woody, prickly, scrambling stems, fern-like foliage, clusters of beautiful small, white, sweetly scented flowers...
Ledebouria marginata
An attractive Ledebouria with erect, fibrous leaves and large bulb, often locally common with regional variations; it occurs over a wide area of the eastern...
Nerine krigei
A marvellous bulbous plant that is characterized by distinctive erect, spirally twisted leaves....