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Diosma haelkraalensis
This extremely hardy buchu thrives in both alkaline and acidic soils of the fynbos, and flowers for much of the year....
Senecio gerrardii
Visitors to wetland areas in Mpumalanga would be very familiar with this very characteristic species. It is particularly common in the Verlorenvlei area,...
Ledebouria coriacea
A rare Ledebouria, restricted to a small area around Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. This relatively unknown species has attractively...
Albizia tanganyicensis subsp. tanganyicensis
A very attractive tree with white to ochre peeling bark and creamy white, sweetly scented flowers in early summer, suitable for any medium-sized garden;...
Gladiolus ecklonii
A cormous plant with beautiful, variously spotted, pink, red or purple flowers on a white background, in summer....
Cichorium intybus
Most people will only admire this pretty, blue-flowered weed along roads and in abandoned fields and not know its other useful properties. Although mostly...
Melianthus major
With its decorative blue-green leaves and tall, dark rusty-red flower heads, this is a striking plant. On a sunny day the birds feast on the nectar dripping...
Ursinia nana
An attractive, spreading, annual herb with yellow flowers, which blooms in the spring to early summer period. With its spreading habit and fine foliage,...
Melianthus villosus
A multi-stemmed, soft, evergreen shrub, with showy, serrated leaves that provide a beautiful tropical effect in the garden....
Aloe reynoldsii
Aloe vanbalenii
This is one of the most beautiful and distinctive aloes, with its long, twisted and recurved leaves resembling an octopus....
Heteropogon contortus
A hardy grass that is very attractive and palatable in the early vegetative stages, but becomes less attractive and unpalatable as it matures....
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare is mostly regarded as a weed or undesirable plant. However, the plants are very attractive and offer lots of rewards for butterflies and...
Crocosmia paniculata
Crocosmia paniculata is a robust, deciduous geophyte with sculptural, zig-zag flower spikes and attractive, pleated leaves that make it a strong accent...
Drimia loedolffiae
A small bulb which grows in dense clusters on riverine cliffs in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Easily grown from division and great for hanging baskets...
Chaenostoma hispidum
A small, aromatic, perennial shrublet with attractive white, pink to mauve star-shaped flowers in summer, good for garden borders....
Ledebouria remifolia
A unique, dwarf, bulbous plant which produces spoon-like leaves on a long slender stalk. This small enigmatic species makes a curious container subject...
Ledebouria parvifolia
A very rare and elusive species seldom seen in its natural habitat due to its small size and remote location in the Mpumalanga Drakensberg, Mpumalanga,...
Ledebouria concolor
A large and handsome, African hyacinth, with bright green leaves and stout semi-erect, dense flower spikes, that makes a fine pot plant. This attractive...
Ledebouria asperifolia
Although this species is seldom seen in cultivation, there are some very attractive forms which have beautiful markings on the leaves. It occurs over a...