Plants of the Week
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Protea grandiceps
This is a very slow growing fynbos shrub that produces excellent, long lasting, red flowerheads, beautiful for garden display and as a cut flower, and...
Orothamnus zeyheri
Manochlamys albicans
Manochlamys albicans is a fast-growing shrub that has a striking appearance and great potential to rehabilitate saline soils....
Marsilea schelpeana
Marsilea schelpeana is an aquatic plant with a creeping stem, bearing stalked, floating leaves. It is found in areas that become marshy after rain, but...
Lycium afrum
Coming from an economically important family of flowering plants, this is a robust, stiffly branched, moderate sized, thorny shrub, that may grow to be...
Ledebouria ovatifolia subsp. ovatifolia
Curious and widespread, a variable, bulbous plant, with unique, broad, flat, usually spotted leaves, which are tightly appressed to the soil surface, and...
Erica glomiflora var. glomiflora
Erica glomiflora var. glomiflora is a variable and attractive species exhibiting a wide range of flower shapes and forms that brighten up the southern...
Barleria matopensis
Barleria matopensis is an attractive shrub, for a sunny, water-wise garden....
Kleinia chimanimaniensis
Kleinia chimanimaniensis is a sprawling shrublet with succulent leaves and stems and scented yellow flowers, in summer. It is confined to cliffs of the...
Brachycorythis conica subsp. transvaalensis
This beautiful and enigmatic orchid was first recorded in 1918; it was last seen in the Gauteng Province in 1956, until its rediscovery in 2007. This species...
Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora
A versatile, evergreen shrub for semi-shade, with attractive dark green foliage and eye-catching, large, blue-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers, occurring...
Noltea africana
An ornamental shrub or small tree with clusters of fragrant white flowers from winter to spring....
Astroloba cremnophila
Astroloba cremnophila is a small, cluster-forming, leaf succulent from the cliffs along the Buffelsrivier. The plant has leafy, succulent stems, the leaves...
Senegalia burkei
Senegalia burkei is a distinctive deciduous tree that can be identified easily throughout the year. It has spikes of creamy white flowers in early summer,...
Pentzia dentata
A wonderful water-wise, aromatic shrub with soft, grey foliage and clusters of yellow inflorescences, from spring to summer....
Lachnospermum umbellatum
This little-known species from the extreme southwestern corner of the country thrives in the wet fynbos of the Cape Fold Mountains near the coast. Its...
Cotyledon gloeophylla
Cotyledon gloeophylla is an exciting, recently discovered species from the Kouga Dam near Patensie in the Eastern Cape; it is a shrublet with decorative,...
Pelargonium setulosum
A beautiful tufted pelargonium from the Western Cape Province, not well known in cultivation but it makes an attractive potplant and is well-suited to...
Chironia laxa
This is a delightful plant, with shiny, bright pink, star-shaped flowers that are produced in abundance throughout the summer months, ideal for a sunny...
Berchemia discolor
Birdplum or brown ivory is an attractive garden tree, with tough, yellow-brown wood that makes excellent furniture and sticks. Berchemia discolor is also...