Plants of the Week
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Gnidia squarrosa
Gnidia squarrosa has attractive, multicoloured winter-spring flowers that will fill your garden with perfume in the evenings....
Pelargonium echinatum
Pelargonium echinatum is one of the most beautiful winter flowering pelargoniums. It is a stocky, compact, succulent perennial shrublet with spines...
Colpias mollis
Cannomois virgata
Cannomois virgata is a fast-growing reed-like plant and is the only member of the genus to be found on the Cape Peninsula....
Agapanthus inapertus subsp. intermedius
This Agapanthus was previously known as Agapanthus dyeri. It is an almost mythical agapanthus, very rarely seen in cultivation. It grows in two isolated...
Ilex mitis
The African Holly has attractive bark and berries. It grows throughout the country, making it suitable for colder, frosty gardens too....
Gethyllis, a genus of the family Amaryllidaceae, has such unusual foliage, flowers and fruits that it ranks as one of the most fascinating groups of bulbous...
Raphia australis
Palms have the largest leaves of all trees, and Raphia has the largest leaves of all palms. One species of these monsters is indigenous to South Africa,...
Encephalartos inopinus
This unusual, attractive African cycad (comparable to the Mexican companion Dioon or a Cuban Microcycas) tolerates both sun and frost, making...
Canthium inerme
The ecological and cultural aspects of this tree, its lovely aesthetic qualities and its relatively widespread distribution in southern Africa, make this...
Hyphaene coriacea
Could large scale exploitation of lala palms make a significant contribution to the economy of northern Zululand? Almost all parts of this very common...
Euphorbia ingens
If you are looking for a low maintenance addition to a rock or suulent garden this large cactus-like tree is ideal. It is well suited to dry areas and...
Curtisia dentata
Curtisia dentata is a handsome, evergreen tree with beautiful foliage that looks good throughout the year. It has great potential as a garden tree, an...
Rothmannia capensis
Rothmannia capensis is one of the loveliest indigenous trees for the home garden. It attracts birds and it has a non-aggressive root system. ...
Adenium multiflorum
Adenium multiflorum is the best known of the South African adeniums. It flowers in winter when most of the surrounding vegetation is rather dull by comparison...
Not everyone will recognize members of this genus as belonging to the Asteraceae. There are no showy ray flowers and the white or pink disc flowers are...
Gasteria croucheri
Gasteria are popular indoor, succulent, aloe-like plants and are easily grown. They are mainly from South Africa (one species just entering southern...
Asystasia gangetica
If you have a large expanse that needs covering, try the magic of this African beauty. Creeping foxglove is the most rewarding and friendliest of all the...
Seriphium plumosum
This intricately branched, heath-like shrublet is well known to hikers who use the plant to make soft mattresses when sleeping outdoors. It might be better...
Gymnosporia harveyana
This is an evergreen, dense, spiny shrub or small tree, with lovely shiny foliage and small white-and-red fruits. It is suitable for small gardens as a...