Plants of the Week
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Sansevieria pearsonii
Sansevieria pearsonii is a colony-forming, perennial succulent, with an upright fan of cylindrical leaves that end in a hard, sharp point. Easy to grow,...
Agathosma martiana
A hardy, white-flowering, aromatic shrub for the fragrance, buchu or fynbos garden....
Plectranthus grallatus
An herbaceous shrub, that resprouts annually from underground tuberous stems, with large, decorative, soft leaves and white flowers in late summer; easy...
Azima tetracantha
Azima tetracantha is an ornamental, scrambling shrub, with interesting tetragonal branches and large spines....
Erica alopecurus
Foxtail heath has interesting, leafy branches that resembles a fox’s tail, as the common name suggests. It has densely clustered spikes of small,...
Erica inflata
Erica inflata is one of the brightest ericas and displays a profusion of umbels of urn-shaped flowers, varying from pale pink to dark rosy-pink, throughout...
Agathosma pattisonae
The boulder buchu is a rigid, aromatic, rock-squatting Agathosma only known from the Cedarberg in the Western Cape. Unique in its cliff and boulder habitat,...
Encephalartos dyerianus
Encephalartos dyerianus is a medium-sized, bluish-green cycad with a very dense leaf canopy. This is an extremely rare cycad, and is endemic to South Africa,...
Ledebouria reillyana
A dwarf, cryptic bulbous plant, hidden deep in remote bush in the heart of Eswatini, usually producing one or two broad leaves and inconspicuous, strongly...
Aponogeton angustifolius
Aponogeton angustifolius is a freshwater aquatic, with small, ornamental floating leaves and delicate, short sprays of white flowers. It is becoming increasingly...
Limeum aethiopicum
Limeum aethiopicum is a well-grazed veld plant, best suited to the arid areas because it is drought resistant....
Erica scytophylla
This shrub produces white or pink flowers in spring and early summer, usually from September to December, and is ideal for container planting....
Sorocephalus imbricatus
An outstanding shrub with rounded, sweetly scented flowerheads of white, silky hairy flowers with maroon perianths and pink bracts, that displays its horticultural...
Chionanthus foveolatus subsp foveolatus
Chionanthus foveolatus subsp. foveolatus is a fairly hardy, attractive, evergreen, forest tree bearing sweetly scented, white flowers in spring to summer,...
Cyanella alba
Serruria elongata
Among the elegant fynbos plants belonging to the Proteaceae family is Serruria elongata, also known as the long-stalk spiderhead, with its silvery pink,...
Gladiolus serpenticola
A striking, attractive, summer-flowering plant, with spectacular, giant flower spikes of 18 to 30, small, pale pink flowers with pale mauve markings on...
Kniphofia ichopensis
This is a delicate, grass-like plant, with dull green, distichous leaves and mostly creamy or rarely pink flowers in a lax inflorescence in summer....
Elionurus muticus
Elionurus muticus is an ornamental grass that forms dense tufts with wiry, narrow leaf blades and showy, curved inflorescences. This grass is easily distinguished...
Erica retorta
Erica retorta is one of the sticky-flowered ericas that grows on the dry mountain slopes above the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden, in Betty’s...