Plants of the Week
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Aulax pallasia
A needle-leaved, long-lived, evergreen fynbos shrub with male and female flowers on separate plants that look quite different from each other. The male...
Aulax umbellata
A slender shrub with bright yellow flowerheads contrasting vividly with the purplish brown young foliage around the flowerheads during summer....
Avicennia marina
Every travel agent's idea of a tropical paradise involves white, palm-fringed beaches and "the murmur of summer seas" - but what are those...
Azanza garckeana
Azanza garckeana with its non-aggressive root system, large leaves and crinkled yellow flowers, makes a beautiful shade tree which has the added bonus...
Azima tetracantha
Azima tetracantha is an ornamental, scrambling shrub, with interesting tetragonal branches and large spines....
Babiana fragrans
Babiana hirsuta
Babiana hirsuta is a striking, robust, geophytic perennial that produces brilliant but unusual recurved red flowers on long flowering stems....
Babiana montana
Babiana montana is a perennial plant, usually called bobbejaantjie or baboon flower, native to South Africa. It has hairy green leaves and purple flowers...
Babiana nervosa
Babiana noctiflora
A night-scented bobbejaantjie that is rare in fynbos, with yellow flowers that are adapted to their night-flying moth pollinators by remaining open and...
Babiana praemorsa
The flowers of Babiana praemorsa are beautiful — trumpet-shaped, deep purple, with striking white marks on the lower tepals....
Babiana pygmaea
Despite the anomaly surrounding its specific name, the largest-flowered of all the Babiana species is a rewarding winter- and early spring-flowering cormous...
Babiana rubrocyanea
Babiana rubrocyanea is perfect for those seeking a visually stunning and unique floral display. Its striking dark blue flowers with a red centre are truly...
Babiana sambucina subsp. sambucina
Babiana sambucina subsp. sambucina is an attractive, dwarf, spring-flowering bulbous plant, which is drought tolerant and water-wise....
Babiana stricta
Babiana stricta is now known as Babiana nervosa....
Babiana villosa
Babiana villosa is a spectacular red- or pink-flowered cormous plant endemic to the southwestern Cape. With sufficient care, it performs well in cultivation...
Bachmannia woodii
Baculellum articulatum
This little succulent plant from the daisy family, known as sausage plant or candle plant, is so named for its distinctive jointed, swollen stems....
Baeometra uniflora
Brilliant orange or sulphur yellow flowers with an arresting dark eye make the beetle lily, Baeometra uniflora, instantly recognizable. This bulbous...
Balanites maughamii subsp. maughamii
Balanites maughamii is not well known in South Africa. The older trees have an amazing, upright, deeply folded or buttressed trunk, that visually...