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Search results for "Aloe" (displaying 20 of 77 on page 1)

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Aloe spicata

Aloe spicata
Common names: Lebombo aloe, bottle-brush aloe, Gazaland aloe (Eng.); lebombo-aalwyn (Afr.); inhlaba (isiZulu), tshikhopa (Tshivenda)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... thanks Brian du Preez and Alice Notten for the pictures of Aloe spicata that illustrate this article. A loe spicata is ... the nectar and pollen, and thereby pollinate the flowers. Aloe Aloe spicata is an easy plant to grow and does not give ...

06 / 01 / 2020 | Thato Moeketsane | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Aloe kniphofioides

Aloe kniphofioides
Common names: grass aloe, red poker grass aloe (Eng.); grasaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden November 2019 Aloe kniphofioides is an indigenous succulent plant from the Aloe group that grows in the Grassland Biome. A. ... ground and fusiform roots, forming an ovoid shape. This aloe can be confused for a grass in the grassland because of ...

11 / 11 / 2019 | Mpho Mathalauga | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Aloe pretoriensis

Aloe pretoriensis
Common names: Pretoria aloe (Eng.); Pretoria aalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... G.W. Reynolds and P. Joffe for habitat photographs. Aloe pretoriensis is a medium-sized, rosette-forming ... tips. Flowering is in late autumn to winter (May–July). Aloe pretoriensis has a widespread distribution and occurs in ... rainfall in summer and experiencing a dry winter. Aloe pretoriensis flowers in winter (May–July); the flowers ...

07 / 10 / 2019 | Ntuthuko Mabuya | Pretoria NBG
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Aloe kamnelii

Aloe kamnelii
Common names: Doorn River aloe (Eng.); Doringrivier-aalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... in spring (August–October, in the southern hemisphere). Aloe kamnelii is only known from the Doorn River Valley ... pallens , Ruschia caroli and Tylecodon paniculatus . Aloe kamnelii proliferates from the base, forming dense ... the survival of the plants through the dry summer months. Aloe Aloe kamnelii is easily grown both from cuttings or ...

09 / 07 / 2018 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Aloe lineata var. muiri

Aloe lineata var. muirii
Common names: Muir's striped aloe (Eng.); streepaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Riddles Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden June 2018 Aloe lineata var. muirii is a succulent plant with a single ... bract, and when fully open, are pendent and unprotected. Aloe lineata var. muiri occurs in the Western Cape, from ... in areas with minimal frost. The succulent leaves of Aloe lineata var . muirii hold plenty of moisture, and supply ...

04 / 06 / 2018 | Ricardo Riddles | Karoo Desert NBG
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Aloe reitzii var. vernalis

Aloe reitzii var. vernalis
Common names: Vryheid aloe
Family: Asphodelaceae

... of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers (CREW) December 2017   Aloe reitzii var. vernalis is a succulent that reaches about ... they split open to release brown to black, mature seeds.  Aloe reitzii var reitzii differs from this variety in having ... long), and it flowers in late summer (February to March). Aloe reitzii var. vernalis is confined to dry, granitic, ...

11 / 12 / 2017 | Hlengiwe Mtshali | CREW
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Aloe howmanii

Aloe howmanii
Common names: Howman’s cliff aloe (Eng.); waaier-grasaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Conservation, University of the W. Cape. November 2017   Aloe howmanii is a cliff-hanging shrublet, branching from the ... early winter (April to June in the southern hemisphere). Aloe howmanii is known only from the Chimanimani Mountains, ... summers are cool, very moist and humid, with frequent fog. Aloe howmanii is pollinated by sunbirds. The plants ...

06 / 11 / 2017 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Aloe varimaculata

Aloe varimaculata
Common names: Humpata aloe (Eng.); Humpata-aalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... and Conservation, University of the W. Cape. August 2017 Aloe varimaculata has an ascending to decumbent growth habit, ... autumn to early winter (May in the southern hemisphere). Aloe varimaculata is known only from the Angolan highlands in ... mainly in summer, in the form of thunder showers. Aloe varimaculata  is pollinated by sunbirds. The plant ...

28 / 08 / 2017 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Aloe rouxii

Aloe rouxii
Common names: Low's Creek grass aloe (Eng.); grasaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... early winter (April to June in the southern hemisphere). Aloe rouxii is known only from the upper mountain slopes, ... 800 to 1 200 m above sea level.  Companion species of Aloe rouxii noticed include, Aloe arborescens and A. spicata , Angraecum pusillum , ...

03 / 07 / 2017 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Aloe reynoldsii

Aloe reynoldsii (Ernst van Jaarsveld)
Common names: yellow spineless aloe, Mbashe aloe
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Mabuya Pretoria National Botanical Garden May 2017   Aloe reynoldsii is a perennial succulent, with a short stem. ... capsules are about 220 mm long and 100 mm in diameter.  Aloe reynoldsii is only known from sheer, southeast- and ... Ficus burkei , Schotia latifolia , Bauhinia bowkeri , etc. Aloe reynoldsii flowers are pollinated by sunbirds, and form ...

29 / 05 / 2017 | Ntuthuko Mabuya | Pretoria NBG
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Aloe vanbalenii

Aloe vanbalenii
Common names: van balen's aloe, crawling octopus (Eng.); van-balen-se-aalwyn (Afr.); icenalamatshe, icenandhlovu (isiZulu); lihala (siSwati)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Botanical Garden May 2017 In time, the almost stemless Aloe vanbalenii forms short, robust creeping stems, ... in winter (June to August in the southern hemisphere). Aloe vanbalenii occurs in northern KwaZulu-Natal and in the ... rainfall. According to Geoff Nichols 2017 pers. comm., Aloe vanbalenii is pollinated by nectar-feeding sunbirds. ...

22 / 05 / 2017 | Anelisiwe Nocwanya | Karoo Desert NBG
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Aloe succotrina

Aloe succotrina, growing in Kirstenbosch
Common names: fynbos aloe, mountain aloe (Eng.); bergaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Porter National Botanical Garden 19 December 2016   Aloe succotrina is a succulent shrub that can grow up to ... up to 1 m tall. Solitary specimens do occur, but this aloe is usually found in small to large, dense clumps. Plants ... colour of the old leaves is one of the characteristics of Aloe succotrina that helps to distinguish it between similar ...

19 / 12 / 2016 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Harold Porter NBG
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Aloe petricola

Aloe petricola in habitat
Common names: rock aloe (Eng.); rotsaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Botanical Garden October 2015 This is generally a stemless aloe, although very short stems have been found. It grows to ... followed by the seeds which are enclosed in capsules.   Aloe petricola has a restricted range, found naturally only ... during times of drought as a source of food and water. Aloe petricola Aloe petricola grows well in cultivation and ...

26 / 10 / 2015 | Lou-nita LeRoux | Lowveld NBG
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Aloe aculeata

Aloe aculeata
Common names: prickly aloe (Eng.); ngopane, sekope (Sepedi)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Botanical Garden October  2015 This succulent, stemless aloe forms a single rosette of up to 1 m high and wide. The ... capsules of approximately 6 mm long and 3 mm in diameter. Aloe aculeata is naturally distributed throughout certain ... during times of drought as a source of food and water. Aloe This aloe is relatively easy to cultivate under a wide ...

19 / 10 / 2015 | Lou-nita LeRoux | Lowveld NBG
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Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis

Rosette of Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis
Common names: Karasberg aloe (Eng.); Karasbergaalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

Karoo Desert NBG Werner Voigt Karoo Desert NBG March 2015 Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis is a low-growing, single ... with a slight basal swelling, and are a dull red colour. Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis is found in the Desert, ... among boulders and rock massifs. The flower bases of Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis contain nectarines that ...

02 / 03 / 2015 | Werner Voigt | Karoo Desert NBG
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Aloe mudenensis

Aloe mudenensis
Common names: Muden aloe (Eng.); kleinaalwyn (Afr.); icena (IsiZulu)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... NBG Ntokoza Nkosi KwaZulu-Natal NBG November 2014 Aloe mudenensis is an evergreen succulent that is ... several scattered spots, especially on the upper surface. Aloe mudenensis inflorescence is branched, with up to 8 ... occurs in winter to spring, depending where it grows. Aloe mudenensis is endemic to Muden in northern KwaZulu ...

24 / 11 / 2014 | Ntokoza Nkosi | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Aloe catengiana

Aloe catengiana, flowerhead. (Image Duke Benadon)
Common names: Catengue-aloe, Catengue-aalwyn, okandolle (umbundu tongue).
Family: Asphodelaceae

... National Botanical Garden February 2008, Updated May 2014 Aloe catengiana is a scrambling shrub, mainly branched from ... during midwinter (August) in the southern hemisphere. Aloe catengiana is known only from the Catengue Railway ... ( Adansonia digitata ). Prominent succulents include Aloe littoralis , Euphorbia gracillima , Fockea multiflora , ...

12 / 05 / 2014 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Aloe huntleyana

Aloe huntleyana
Common names: Huntley aloe (Eng.); Huntley-aalwyn (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... the apex in open flowers. Capsules are rounded elongate. Aloe huntleyana is confined to the quartzitic sandstone ... in rock crevices or screes where fire cannot reach them. Aloe huntleyana flowers during autumn (April to June). Plants ... the plant has a vegetative means of dispersal as well. Aloe Aloe huntleyana is an attractive small plant, best grown ...

06 / 05 / 2014 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Aloe gariepensis

Flowering in habitat
Common names: Gariep aloe, Orange River aloe
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden December 2012     Aloe gariepensis is a tough plant that varies in size from ... long floral bracts hide the young buds almost entirely. Aloe gariepensis has a fairly varying flowering range from early July to September. Aloe gariepensis has a restricted distribution on both sides ...

17 / 12 / 2012 | Werner Voigt | Karoo Desert NBG
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Aloe greenii

Aloe greenii
Common names: ground spotted aloe (Eng.); iCeza lesikhotha (isiZulu)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... NBG Phakamani Xaba Kirstenbosch NBG September 2012   Aloe greenii is a low-growing succulent with a flower spike ... produce offset suckers that give rise to new plants. Aloe greenii occurs in sub-tropical coastal forest and ... It is easily confused with other spotted aloes such as Aloe maculata , A. pruinosa , and A. parvibracteata when not ...

17 / 09 / 2012 | Phakamani Xaba | Kirstenbosch NBG
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