Plants of the Week
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Freylinia crispa
The attractive purple flowers of the Kouga bell-bush will brighten up your garden....
Freylinia densiflora
Blue-green foliage and subtly coloured flowers are attractive features of this widespread bell-bush....
Freylinia helmei
This is another of the attractive bell-bushes, which make interesting garden shrubs....
Freylinia lanceolata
The honey bell-bush is a shrub or small tree with a charm all of its own, and attracts hosts of butterflies and other pollinators....
Falkia repens
This is an intriguing, fast-growing groundcover with lovely eye-catching white flowers that provides a carpet-like look upon first entering your yard or...
Freylinia longiflora
This critically endangered shrub makes an attractive garden plant....
Faucaria tigrina
This somewhat ferocious-looking succulent gets its name, tiger-jaws, from the appearance of the toothed, triangular shaped leaves which seem to drip with...
Freylinia tropica
This shrub makes a good garden subject for summer rainfall areas....
Felicia tenella subsp. tenella
This striking, winter- or spring-flowering annual with bright blue and yellow daisies, is another of South Africa’s plant jewels. It performs well...
Freylinia undulata
Freylinia undulata is an attractive shrub with mauve flowers, ideal for dry gardens in the winter-rainfall area....
Felicia josephinae
This charming, low-growing annual has only recently been named and described (Bothalia October 2002), although it was first collected in 1933 by C Louis...
Freylinia visseri
Freylinia vlokii
Freylinia vlokii is a shrub bearing beautiful tubular mauve flowers and is an ideal plant for dry fynbos gardens....
Frithia humilis
This miniature leaf succulent is attractive even when not flowering as the windowed leaves with crenulate markings are showy and unique....
Frithia pulchra
Window-leaf succulents are always very popular as the shape of the leaves is unique and when in flower the magenta petals with lighter centres cover the...
Funaria hygrometrica
The attractive red-brown spore-bearing part of the plant (sporophyte), which consists of a long, twisting stalk (seta) with an asymmetrical, grooved capsule...
Freesia grandiflora
A beautiful, red-flowered, bulbous plant that deserves more horticultural attention. It is perfect for woodland gardens or as a pot plant and performs...
Ficus cordata
The Namaqua rock fig represents the largest and tallest indigenous tree from Namaqualand. It is an ascending, rock-splitting tree confined to rock outcrops,...
Ficus ilicina
The laurel fig is an evergreen, rock-hugging fig from the summer-dry Namaqualand region and further north into Namibia and southern Angola, where rainfall...
Family: Montiniaceae
Members of the family are shrubs, trees or woody lianes, characterised by simple, alternate or opposite leaves with entire margins, sexes on separate plants,...