Plants of the Week
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Scabiosa genus
Erica fontana
Erica fontana produces white to light rosy pink tubular flowers, that become paler towards the base, and the flowers appear all year round. It is a rare...
Nerine gracilis
Nerine gracilis is a dwarf, indigenous South African bulb, that can only be found in a few localities in rocky and damp Highveld Grassland. It has thread-like...
Amphithalea tomentosa
Ampithalea tomentosa is a striking plant found in Lowland Fynbos, with eye-catching, silvery foliage and yellow blossoms almost hidden by the hairy calyx,...
Zaluzianskya villosa
These small, dainty, white to mauve flowered annuals can be seen in spring and early summer in the Western Cape of South Africa. Unlike Zaluzianskya capensis,...
Aristea spiralis
Clumps of Aristea spiralis make a striking display, the large white to pale blue flowers with purple centres are very attractive and last throughout the...
Encephalartos dolomiticus
The Wolkberg cycad is an extraordinarily beautiful species characterized by its striking blue colour. Adding to its attraction is the tendency to bear...
Disperis woodii
Disperis woodii is a tiny terrestrial orchid, with a cluster of leaves at the base and just one stem that produces a single flower with a long pointed...
Portulacaria fruticulosa
Portulacaria fruticulosa is an ascending, much-branched shrub about 700 mm tall, with slender reddish-brown branches less than 1 mm in diameter at the...
Sparaxis auriculata
A flowering bulbous plant with large, bright mauve and yellow, two-lipped flowers with six petals. It is a local endemic from the Matsikamma Mountains...
Gasteria retusa
Gasteria retusa is a cluster-forming leaf succulent of about 240 mm in diameter. The leaves are beautifully ornamented, wrinkled, with transverse bands...
Annona senegalensis
Annona senegalensis is a multi-stemmed, deciduous African fruit tree that is found in semi-arid to subhumid areas. It has a long history of traditional...
Osteospermum scariosum
Osteospermum scariosum is a beautiful yellow daisy, the flowerheads often having a striking dark ring around the centre....
Grona setigera
Grona setigera, commonly known as bristly tick-clover, is a beautiful legume that grows close to the ground, with remarkable, beautiful, colourful flowers...
Desmodium repandum
See Hylodesmum repandum...
Tripteris aghillana
See Osteospermum scariosum...
Desmodium setigerum
See Grona setigera...
Babiana montana
Babiana montana is a perennial plant, usually called bobbejaantjie or baboon flower, native to South Africa. It has hairy green leaves and purple flowers...
Erica heliophila
Erica heliophila gives a show of creamy white or pale to deep pink flowers in midsummer (December to February)....
Crassula tetragona
An attractive, hardy, evergreen succulent plant with a compact upright habit, dark green, sword-shaped leaves that curve upwards and creamy white flowers....