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Delosperma zeederbergii
Delosperma zeederbergii is only known from cliffs along the upper Spekboom River near Lydenburg (Mashishing) in Mpumalanga. A fast grower, it has soft...
Adromischus phillipsiae
The bell-nenta is a succulent plant growing along the western mountainous escarpment margin between Sutherland and Steinkopf in the Western and Northern...
Haworthia marumiana var. reddii
Haworthia marumiana var. reddii is a dwarf, mat-forming cliff-hugger, establishing clusters of numerous small rosettes of light green, succulent leaves...
Carissa sebrabergensis
The Sebraberg numnum is a rare shrub from the Sebraberg in northern Kaokoveld, Namibia. It is a diminutive, layered evergreen, spiny shrub, with small...
Kalanchoe waterbergensis
A rare, dwarf leaf-succulent from the Waterberg in the Limpopo Province. The flat, broadly egg-shaped, bluish leaves are crowded at the base before flowering...
Ranunculus multifidus
Wild Buttercup is a small evergreen herb, with bright green leaves and masses of yellow flowers in summer, that grows well in damp grassland and spreads...
Tetragonia fruticosa
A bushy shrub with a yellow-green appearance and a red tinge, and in bright sunlight it appears to glisten, because the plant is covered in striking, minute...
Felicia tenella subsp. tenella
This striking, winter- or spring-flowering annual with bright blue and yellow daisies, is another of South Africa’s plant jewels. It performs well...
Ornithogalum regale
The ever so graceful Ornithogalum regale is one of the summer flowering gems of the Drakensberg....
Ledebouria atropurpurea
An uncommon bulbous plant with broadly lanceolate, hairy leaves and small purple flowers in spring....
Psychotria suber
The corkbark bird-berry is a recently described small tree that grows wild on rocky mountain peaks in Barberton, Mbombela, Swaziland and adjacent KwaZulu-Natal...
Senecio elegans
During spring, this annual daisy flowers in abundance along the west and south coast of South Africa, making a beautiful display when flowering in mass,...
Ledebouria davidsoniae
Dwarf bulbous plant with small, striped leaves and pale pink to whitish flowers in spring and summer....
Crassula vaginata subsp. vaginata
Crassula vaginata subsp. vaginata is a rosette-forming succulent, that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock and is a rewarding addition to a grassland...
Ledebouria woodii
Bulbous plant with usually unspotted leaves and green to pale green, whitish, strongly hyacinth-scented flowers, in spring and summer....
Bulbine sceletium
Bulbine sceletium is a cliff-squatting, aloe-like plant with sparingly branched rosettes of soft, pale green, striated leaves and solitary inflorescences...
Delosperma velutinum
Delosperma velutinum grows widespread along riverine cliffs in KwaZulu-Natal. It is a cliff-hugger with a spreading habit and can be used as a pot plant...
Eucomis zambesiaca
This stunner, is one of the smaller, and pleasantly scented species of Eucomis and the only one that occurs only in Limpopo province....
Pelargonium cucullatum x betulinum 'Kommetjie'
Bright, floriferous and hardy, this is a natural hybrid between two of the Cape’s finest pelargoniums, Pelargonium cucullatum and P. betulinum, that...
Sansevieria pearsonii
Sansevieria pearsonii is a colony-forming, perennial succulent, with an upright fan of cylindrical leaves that end in a hard, sharp point. Easy to grow,...